A social platform for social media-holics?interesting !

Hi, as part of the digital story project, while we all created our very own, we were also to share a feedback with a peer on their digital story.

I had seen a linked in request from Ebony Warren sent by Alex ,which got me really interested in his project.This was the start of my want to know more about it! To my mind, this is a sure shot positive for a new beginning. Honestly, I did not end up accepting the invite simply since it was on linked in, I wanted to be sure of the identity of the person I was including in my professional network.Given the sensitivity such as this involved in using Linked in, it may perhaps been a better idea to use facebook instead,I thought? Having said that, if Alex was trying to portray Ebony Warren as a respected professional in his field which we didnt know, then of course Linked in was the right choice but may be with more profile information and not just a teaser!?Would be my suggestion to Alex.

When the project was finally launched, and the link shared on the CMWP group today , I could’nt wait to press the click button on the website address http://crematoriumcafe.com/

Now this click landed me to a very neat homepage with clean and well navigated content.The name however got me thinking ?I could not link up Ebony warren and crematorium café! While I understood that Ebony Warren is a social media holic and wants to share his experience of finding his love through social media, then what is he doing at a place called crematorium café? I began to deconstruct the name to help me link up the two. So a café is a social place! Where you share and meet.But crematorium,to my best undertstanding is a place where life which has ends sees it’s last.so why this name?

I am still thinking!!

Without this link association, I would think of this project being a plat form for all media passionists to express their experience and love for social media.

But the deconstruct of the name makes me believe I am missing a point here?

Or is this intended? I think it is, since the beginning also had the sense of intrigue which continues !!

Home page of Crematorium cafe
Home page of Crematorium cafe

I went on further to explore it to find a blog post about an experience at a cafe.

Great project in aesthetics and very pleasant instrumental soundtrack which plays as you navigate your way.The design is modern and neat.The FB & twitter is not activated as yet.Only the Blogpost was which I read.

The notebook design page as a blog post looks very personal and real.Good insight used since most of us first pen down our thought and then transfer them elsewhere!!

Notebook design blog post
Notebook pin up blog post design

Alex, may want to immediately activate the Fb & twitter to get people to know about this ! and this is about Social media.Right?

Even if the project is what I think it is :about social media passionist sharing and deconstructing their lives on yet another social media, I would surely jump onto this and be part of this set simply coz being social is the only way of life for everyone!