Outdoor Advertising is “outstanding” only with innovation in execution

interesting outdoor signages on swanston street

As I walked past the busy Swanston street this evening, the interesting billboards got me thinking.

As we move into becoming closer communities with everyone connecting far more than ever, the challenge for big brands still remains on how to catch the consumer’s eye and remain local. One of the medium, though traditional, has evolved with it’s dynamism as the choice of brand advertisers with an opportunity to tell it’s story to passer byes.

So many lives touched and still standing tall is the outstanding is the power of outdoor!

Touching many lives as they happen in their language and icons is the unlimited possibility of using Billboards, kiosks, Building wraps, bus , Train and tram branding ,water floaters and more.

Out of home, is a medium,which people unconsciously connect to as they pace towards their destinations. They unknowingly have friendly encounters leading to familiarity and engagement with interesting messages on outdoors. Little do they realize that these infact become intrinsic to their journey of life on their route to destination. One can reach a person near his home or his office, by virtue of an outdoor kiosk or a billboard. The visual used in the creative and the message crispness actually determines how much impact it has made on the passer by, who is our audience. The creative needs to shout out aloud rather than a catch me if you can story. With the consumer being showered with multiple messaging, it is important to bring in innovation in execution. Can we bring in a fragrance experience of a perfume or a deo through an innovative outdoor? May be yes and the chances are that people will take this message with them. Have we looked at delivering a cooling experience of a brand of Aircon through a cool air providing hoarding with an aircon fitted on it. Each time a person passes the billboard he/she gets a blast of cool air from the hoarding. How can he/she not experience the brand! Making the outdoor piece multimedia lends it a far- reaching impact with the brand jingles/film also interspersed in it. A buzzer attached to a billboard running a live quiz can deliver immediate consumer engagement for new launches.

My sense is that there is unlimited opportunity to tap this cost effective and impactful medium to reach our audience.

Who says that outdoor is out! It is “out” standing if executed innovatively!